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在我写这篇文章的时候, we are five months into 2021 and we are FINALLY starting to see light at the end of this very long and dark tunnel. Don't know about you, but I feel like life is on an endless loop, much like Bill Murray in the movie 土拨鼠日 还有《亚洲最大体育平台》一直在播放. Lucky for many of you in the live industry, things are looking up and starting to change. 体育场馆, theme parks and entertainment districts are opening up and people are starting to poke their heads out the door, 迫切需要一些社交距离的社交互动. 感谢所有支持这些活动的人, we are excited to see you get back to work and do what you love most!

随着场馆开始重新上线, we thought it would be beneficial to share a few suggestions on how to manage your comms systems as it comes back online for that first big show.



十大正规体育平台安可® Analog Partyline和HelixNet® 数字网络聚会线

再来一个 Partyline系统 被设计为通电并立即为用户工作. 一定要记住, 然而, 如果你在说话的时候听到回音, 您可能需要重新设置系统为null. For directions on how to do this with a MS-702 or MS-704, please visit the 手册.

当涉及到你的 HelixNet数字联线系统, power it up and ensure that the main station isn't showing any errors. It would also be wise to walk around to the different HelixNet stations to ensure that each one is powered up and communicating with the main station. 这取决于您的硬件配置, the Powerline should immediately start working and power each end-point. If your system is using Local Area Network (LAN) with Power-over-Ethernet (PoE), then you may want to ensure that each end point is powered up and the local IP switch is working. We have heard of instances w在这里 an IP switch has been powered up 24/7 for years on end, 因为它在第一次电源循环后就失败了. If your HelixNet main station is connected to an analog partyline (like 再来一个) via 2-wire, 你可以考虑把这条线重新设为空. Directions on how to digitally null a 2-wire line on the HelixNet system can be found 在这里.

Eclipse® HX数字矩阵

在之前的文章中, we discussed how it would be beneficial to shut down your Eclipse frame during times of long disuse. 尽管十大正规体育平台设备,尤其是 Eclipse框架, 是被设计成持续活跃多年的吗, it is always beneficial to shut down if not used for several weeks or months. It saves energy and reduces the chances of a power surge destroying a component. If you ended up powering down your Eclipse frame during the pandemic, t在这里 is a checklist for you to use during the first power-up of the system.

  1. After boot-up, look at the CPU card and see if t在这里 are any errors
  2. 一旦你的ex软件连接到框架, push the most recent map back into the system with an "Apply Map with reset and clear all memory"
  3. After reset, check audio communications on various panels and beltpacks
  4. If the frame is older than 10 years old, check for battery warning messages* in the Event Log


如果您要移除Eclipse框架上的一个CPU卡, you would find a small battery which is used to store non-volatile information. We have found that if your Eclipse frame is reaching the 10-year service mark, that battery could deplete itslef to a level that won't allow the CPU card to boot-up properly, 通常情况并非如此, 但这是值得记住的. Luckily, the battery can be easily replaced and for very little cost. 请参阅十大正规体育平台备件价格表或与您的经销商亚洲最大体育平台.

For facilities w在这里 the Eclipse frame was in a room w在这里 the climate-control or HVAC was turned off, it may be useful to take note of the humidity in the room during the downtime. 的 components used by 十大正规体育平台 and other manufacturers is not meant to withstand long periods of extreme temperature and humidity, 所以请注意这个问题.

FreeSpeak二世® 及DX系列 无线对讲机

所有无线亚洲最大体育平台都是如此, a battery's lifespan and ability to hold charge is dependent on many environmental factors. Here are a few examples on how you might have left your batteries before going dark in March and some idea of what you can expect.

电池留在背包或充电器内,但电源已关闭; As you should assume, the battery will do a self-discharge when not placed on a charger. 锂离子电池的自放电率约为每月4-5%, 如果电池处于这种状态6个月, 它应该还有60-70%的剩余容量.

充电器中的剩余电池已打开电源: 如果你把电池留在充电器里, once it is fully charged (with the green light lit) the battery will start to self-discharge at a higher rate than listed above. 一旦电池电压下降到一定程度, the charger kicks in and will do a fast recharge until the battery is again fully charged. 不幸的是, this can have a long-term effect on your battery since it is recommended that LI-Ion batteries should be stored at 60-70% capacity.

在第一次给你的基地充电之前, it is highly recommended to first install your wireless transceivers. 因为无线系统使用DECT来同步每个收发器, adding or removing a transceiver after the base is powered up will have a negative effect on the sync and not allow for proper connection of your beltpacks.

Once the transceivers are re-installed and the base is powered up, take a 关闭 look at the CCM and see if t在这里 are any errors popping up on the system. 如果有的话, do another re-boot and look at the individual transceiver statuses to see what the issue might be. In the end, your system should come back up like normal and immediately start working.


一如既往地, you will find 十大正规体育平台's amazing support team standing at the ready as you power up your systems. 如果你有任何疑问, 担心上电过程, 或者只是想打个招呼, 请不要犹豫,给我们打电话或发电子邮件.

Justin Emge是十大正规体育平台的应用工程经理. 以前, 贾斯汀是一名广播工程师, 技术总监, 新闻 Photographer and Operations Manager for the CBS Affiliate in St. 路易斯,莫. He also worked laterally with Kaufman Broadcast as a Broadcast Engineer during large sporting and news events. Justin oversees the Application Engineers for North and South America.