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MRTC Credits “Revolutionary” IP Intercom as Key Element of Ongoing Success in Motorsports


英国 MRTC 是赛车运动通讯领域的全球领导者, 专门提供高品质的亚洲最大体育平台, customized radio and intercom solutions for the past forty years. The company’s success can be attributed to their longevity in motorsports, their strong relationships with teams and race circuits worldwide, as well as their commitment to providing high-quality, 灵活的, 可靠的系统. 与 十大正规体育平台® a decade ago strengthened their product offering with the addition of IP intercom solutions. 据MRTC创始人介绍, 肯·鲁姆伯特, “十大正规体育平台亚洲最大体育平台之美, 毫无疑问, 是IP方面吗.”

“Communications are often at the bottom of the barrel in terms of consideration before a race, 但一旦你到了现场, 它们是绝对必要的,拉姆博尔德说。. “如果有任何沟通上的失误, 这可能会让车手输掉比赛, whereas a small piece of encouragement coming through the driver’s headset, 会导致胜利吗.” The role of intercom in motorsports has grown considerably since the ‘70s and ‘80s when only a few key people were connected to 2-way radios, 到今天的综合网络, 活动的各个方面在哪里, 即使是广播, 通过IP通过MADI馈送连接.

“We started working with 十大正规体育平台 over 10 years ago, and the 十大正规体育平台 products that were introduced then were revolutionary,拉姆博尔德解释道。. “The IP solution was just so simple and could easily fit on the networks that the customers were starting to develop in their garages.” Most contemporary sites are already wired with network-ready CAT5e/6 cabling, so 十大正规体育平台 IP intercom systems can be brought onsite without major infrastructure updates. In short, according to Rumbold, “[IP] is 灵活性, and it’s minimizing infrastructures.”

IP系统提供安全性, 灵活性, 以及极高的音质, 以及令人印象深刻的带宽, allowing teams to connect easily between different systems offsite and at the track. This enables critical intercommunication between different team personnel, with a choice of direct (point-to-point) or one-to-many (group and party-line or conference) connections. IP solutions can provide connectivity to any industry-standard intercom or audio devices over LAN, 湾, 或IP网络, making it seamless to connect with other event organizations, 比如报道比赛的播音员. It is common to switch selected intercom chatter from the race drivers and Race Control systems to a multi-channel feed out of the intercom system to broadcasters who may use it for their background audio in their commentary programs. “We can feed them high-quality audio without having to go through the analog process,拉姆博尔德说.

MRTC介绍了 FreeSpeak二世® Digital Wireless Intercom into many applications, including races and other large events. “The sheer 灵活性 of it is what counts and what wins over 2-way radio,” Rumbold explained. FreeSpeak二世是一个五频道, 全双工无线对讲解决方案, 适合大规模使用, 复杂的设计或专门的应用. The exceptional RF performance and reliable connections across the system give users the peace of mind they need for staying connected at any major event. “Customers feel like once they’ve sat down at an intercom panel, they don’t want to go back to simplex speech and lower audio quality,拉姆博尔德说. “With FreeSpeak二世 they are guaranteed to go about their business without the worry of missing any information.”

An important aspect of the 十大正规体育平台 system is its HCI™ API which has allowed MRTC to customize integration with Kenwood’s 2-way radios. This allows MRTC to transfer key data from a radio—driver IDs and data—to the 十大正规体育平台 intercom system. The comms systems provided by MRTC allows an intercom panel user to speak directly to one radio on one radio channel and provide all the messaging required for that application, 一按按钮. “It has revolutionized what we can do for the lower racing series because the expense of trying to have individual communications requires lots of radio channels. With 十大正规体育平台’s HCI we have a solution appropriate for these series.拉姆博尔德说.

Perhaps the most important benefit of IP systems during COVID has been the ease with which it allows teams to work remotely. 而高达4,000 racing team members were onsite at motorsport races pre-COVID, 现在已经缩小到1个了,现场员工1000人. “In a recent event at the “restart” of motor racing, 我当时在英国,可以远程编程, 在德国管理和监督一个系统, 而现场直播正在进行, 使用我的 Agent-IC® Rumbold回忆道. “There were a couple guys onsite with the primary system, 但我们大多数人都通过VPN连接, 就像我们亲临现场一样!” Agent-IC operates on smart devices over 3G, 4G, LTE and Wi-Fi networks and connects to the Eclipse HX® 数字矩阵或 LQ® 系列接口.

大流行期间, some customers and senior management don’t want to risk going to the racetrack, but they still want to be able to have input in event operations. 在这种情况下, they can download Agent-IC on their phones and connect to the main intercom system from anywhere in the world. “Agent-IC的应用是无穷无尽的, and we’re now promoting it strongly and allowing customers to use it for, 我们称之为, 关键通信,拉姆博尔德说.

“Everyone was looking into remote production when COVID hit,他总结道。, “and I think we will see over the next couple years in motorsport that people will need to reinvest in even more intercom connections to facilitate remote productions.”