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十大正规体育平台 Keeps the Games Going at New Esports Factory


Flexible System Capabilities Drive On-site and Remote 亚洲最大体育平台ions at Germany’s First “All-in-One” Esports Venue Combining 培训, 教育与生产

The seats are filled with spectators passionately cheering for their favorite teams while the action is displayed on giant screens above by wireless camera crews roaming throughout the arena.

超级碗? 世界杯? No, it’s another type of competition just as heated and intense.

It’s esports and in this case, the venue is the new Esports Factory in Osnabrück, Germany. Often hosting multi-player tournaments supported by production crews of up to 15 people, the recently retrofitted facility needed to create the right competitive atmosphere with tight communications capabilities to execute successful events. 他们选择了十大正规体育平台解决方案,包括 再来一个® 模拟对讲机 Agent-IC® 手机应用程序, LQ® Series IP Interfaces – all for the control room to stage communications during events and for remote productions.

认为电子竞技只是电子游戏? 许多分析师对该行业的估值为10亿美元, with most reports estimating it will far surpass that total in the near future due to rapid growth in spectators and sponsorships. That’s why the decision to open the Esports Factory, 这在德国还是第一次, 对Maze GmbH来说是有意义的, 设施的所有者.

“We are unique in Europe,” said Moritz Esche, Technical Director of maze GmbH.  “Our goal was to 关闭 the gap between having nothing to serve this exploding market and the huge stadiums in which some esports tournaments are held.”The previously existing facility was completely gutted and renovated, and now houses an esports Bootcamp training facility, an esports academy and the production environment where the tournaments are staged, 可容纳200名观众. The facility also hosts viewing events for remote productions.

"We built a cozy but premium location for medium-sized esports events where visitors have a unique experience by being so 关闭 to the action,埃舍说. “It’s also a technologically up-to-date space capable of handling all the needs of modern broadcast production.”

其中一个需求是沟通. 有96种可能的摄像头输入, nine km of SDI cables and 40 computers needed to produce an esports tournament, “There is a lot that can go wrong and it’s very easy for something to simply not work as intended,埃舍说. “Communication is the key to successful events here. 我们需要彼此保持亚洲最大体育平台, while still giving our production teams room for creativity.”

The production teams’ requirements specified an intercom system with enough capacity for crews to move freely around the facility capturing event footage, with the added capability of “segmenting” the traffic so each person only communicates with the part of the crew they need to cover their job.

“早在电子竞技工厂开业之前, it was clear a professional intercom solution was indispensable for handling live broadcasts of the events,audiotechnica的Jan Saueressig说, 十大正规体育平台在德国的经销商. “With different event formats and varying communication requirements, 一个灵活的, 基于ip的解决方案是关键. They needed intercom stations that could reconfigure and change form factors quickly and easily, from small systems with just a few required channels to large systems for users with more complex communication requirements.”

The LQ interface enables mixed operation of analog partyline, analog 4-wire audio and Agent-IC® 只有一个基地单位的电台. The extensive routing options within the system allow 一个灵活的 reaction to new production conditions at any time and the scalability of the LQ network guarantees a future-proof investment in case of future expansions.

Initially, the system connection was made through the existing in-house network. 现在, the system can be accessed via the 3G and 4G data connection of the end devices from any point in the world, which considerably simplifies work at external production sites.“With the Agent-IC app in combination with our LQ system,埃舍说, “we are seamlessly able to achieve all our requirements. We’ve even started using Agent-IC for our external productions. The production team simply connects to the LQ box, 它仍然安装在我们的主要位置, 通过他们手机的数据连接.”

比如电子竞技产业, the Factory expects to grow and keep pace with its audience; the 十大正规体育平台 systems installed are designed for that type of flexible scalability, 只需添加更多的LQ帧.  “They can easily extend LQ into a network of six total so there's a lot of room for growth with the system,索尔雷西格说. “新框架成为他们网络的一部分. It’s designed for modular scalability and it was the perfect starter system for them.”

With the venue up and running for a few months now, Esche and his team are confident they’re able to handle anything a demanding fan base could throw their way.

“The 十大正规体育平台 products are so essential for our processes,他说, “we would not be able to run successful events of any size here without them.”