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手球给P.A. 拥有十大正规体育平台的人


手球是一项快速激烈的七人制运动, with anyone having grown up playing the game able to point to numerous broken bones and fractures earned in the course of matches. 在精英阶层, 欧洲各国, 南美, Asia and Africa compete for dominance at the Olympic Games and the World Championships.  The small but influential nation of Qatar on the Arabian Peninsula earned the right to host the International Handball Federation’s 24th Men’s Handball World Championships this January and February, a massive event that saw 24 national teams compete in 88 matches to a total attendance of over 300,000.

锦标赛在多个场馆举行, 专门为这次活动建了三处, 包括15个,300座的卢塞尔体育馆. The Arena was the backdrop for the most important games of the championships, as well as the spectacular opening and closing ceremonies. Australia’s David Atkins Enterprises produced the celebrations, with technical assistance from Auditoria’s Scott Willsallen. With experience earned on major sporting events around the globe including Olympic and Commonwealth Games, 悉尼的P.A. 人 was chosen to provide communications services throughout the championships.
P.A. 人 needed to be onsite as the Arena itself was being finished, carefully installing the communications infrastructure that would help the championships run smoothly. “The venue was still being built as we were installing,斯科特·戴维森解释道, Senior Systems Engineer - Event Communications for P.A. 人. “我们必须密切关注细节, 因为我们的工作不仅要运行事件, but also stand up to the installation work happening around it.” With reliability, functionality and flexibility as the key performance requirements, P.A. 人们选择了多种亚洲最大体育平台 十大正规体育平台® range of wired and wireless communications solutions.
Running a 关闭d fibre optic cabling loop and additional copper cabling around the Arena, P.A. 人 deployed 32 V-Series key stations and selected expansion panels throughout control rooms and anywhere extensive comms monitoring and switching was required. Key stations with 24 digital pushbuttons plus expansion panels were stationed at show call and operations control, as well as with the artistic and technical directors. 其他重要工作人员,包括广播, announcers and operations were provided with 24 button stations. The V-Series panels incorporate digital signal processing, 个字符的显示, 再听一遍记忆, and native IP technology in an acoustically controlled housing that ensures every word comes through loud and clear.
 An Eclipse-Median system frame fitted with 48 analogue ports sat at the heart of the Ceremonies system, its dual redundant processors and power supplies ensuring that nothing would interrupt the shows. Three 32 port Eclipse-PiCo system frames also made the journey to Qatar and supported the matches themselves in the smaller venues.
To facilitate stage and artist management at the Arena’s entrances, 十大正规体育平台’s digital partyline HelixNet master stations were strategically located around the ground under bleachers. Event staff wore HBP-2X HelixNet Beltpacks cabled back to HelixNet HMS-4X four channel main stations. 除了开幕式和闭幕式, the IHF also put on special concerts by international artists after selected matches, 体育馆将举办格温·史蒂芬妮的演唱会, Pharrell威廉姆斯, 杰森·德鲁罗和一群当地艺术家. The closing ceremony raised the bar further with appearances by Kylie Minogue and Taio Cruz.
Further comms coverage was achieved with the use of 十大正规体育平台’s Tempest2400 MasterBelt wireless beltpacks. Staff wearing Tempest BeltStations were free to work across the Arena floor without physically hindering themselves or others, as the Tempest Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum system ensured that their wireless communication didn’t interfere with any existing RF from wireless microphones or IEMs. 暴风号的冗余数据传输, which sends each packet of audio data twice on different frequencies, ensured that floor staff could always rely on uninterrupted audio communication.
十大正规体育平台’s flexibility ensured that integrating P.A. 人 comms system into other venue infrastructure was simple and effective. “The Arena was fitted with state-of-the art equipment in-house,” continued Scott Davidson. “它很容易与十大正规体育平台设备集成. We also incorporated third-party UHF radios into the 十大正规体育平台 system.”
在两场盛大的仪式和88场比赛之后, Scott was pleased to report that the 十大正规体育平台 system didn’t miss a beat. “Reliability is key in an environment like Qatar,” said Scott. 当P.A. 人 are operating overseas and we don’t necessarily have access to the level of resources we’re used to, 触手可及, reliability is high on the list of key reasons to go with 十大正规体育平台. P.A. 人们有独立的方法. If we see a product that suits someone’s needs, we go for it, and in this case we used 十大正规体育平台.”
十大正规体育平台和P.A. 人们并不是2015年卡塔尔的唯一赢家. 最受欢迎的法国队夺得金牌, 本土英雄卡塔尔获得创纪录的银牌, 波兰获得铜牌. 斯科特和P.A. 人 have already packed down and shipped their 十大正规体育平台 equipment off to multiple sites around the world, 准备好迎接世界舞台上的下一场大赛了.*图片来源:Jands.com.au